Shopping cart:
$278.32 (5 items)
For example: Viagra
Shopping Cart
  Product name Package Qty Per Pack Price    
V-gel 30gm × 2 tubes
$46.82 $46.82  
Clozaril 25mg × 270 pills
$74.01 $74.01  
Clozaril 100mg × 180 pills
$70.33 $70.33  
Deltasone 40mg × 30 pills
$34.86 $34.86  
Medrol 4mg × 60 pills
$52.3 $52.3  

price with discount
Total price:$270.49
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We guarantee delivery of your medication. If your order is not received, please let us know, and we will try to solve this problem ASAP.
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